I'm Chelsea Gross, a Certified Nutrition & Mindset Coach + Certified NLP Practitioner
I help women struggling with disordered eating make peace with food + their bodies so they can finally enjoy their life in balance & feel worthy from within.
You’re not alone.
To struggle with food
To obsessively count every single calorie
To step on the scale every single day
To feel guilt and shame when you eat “bad”
To hate your body and put happiness on hold because you haven’t lost weight
To have anxiety on dates, vacations and holidays because you don’t have control around your food choices
To compare your body to your former body & other people’s bodies
To try every single diet, quick-fix, pill, program & plan
To be ALL or NOTHING: either restricting, or binging, but never in between
To be miserable, stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted
I know what it’s like to want to break free, but have no idea how to get there…
or if it’s even possible for you.
I provide the road map, relatability, compassion and support to get there.
No more restriction or deprivation, eating only what you “should” or counting & tracking
Food being something you enjoy & that makes you feel good vs. control, obsess or feel guilt around
Freedom from binge eating through an understanding of your unique triggers & the ability to forgive yourself + release guilt & shame
Time, energy & space to be present with your family & in your relationships, career, hobbies & down time because you’re no longer consumed with food or a negative body image 24/7
Exercise being movement you enjoy & are flexible with vs. rigid punishment for what you ate or only to earn your calories
A healthy relationship with your body — creating self-worth that isn’t conditional on what you weigh or how “good” you eat but solid in who you are
Self-confidence, self-love & a life you enjoy